Z Plan Red Tides Z Plan Book 2 eBook Mikhail Lerma

Z Plan Red Tides Z Plan Book 2 eBook Mikhail Lerma
SPOILER WARNING...Z Plan: Red Tides is the sequel to Z Plan: Blood in the Sand and picks right up where the first story ends. Cale is rescued from death by an Egyptian Navy submarine and then forced with other prisoners to scavenge for the boat and crew; small teams are dispatched to board derelict vessels at sea and also sent ashore to locate survivors (more slaves) and gather needed supplies. These teams are on a timetable and their failure to return by the designated time results in their being left behind. Cale and his partner find themselves out of time and miss their pick-up, now they are stranded on a large container ship full of zombies.
Cale is certain that his wife and child are still alive in the U.S. and does everything in his power to reunite with them. Along the way, there are plenty of zombies and Cale sometimes finds himself in impossible situations - thinking to himself that this is where his life will end. He is also visited periodically by either a ghost or his imagination - Zach was his best friend and fellow squad member in the previous book (killed by Cale when he became infected) and seems to show himself periodically - making observations and offering Cale advice and encouragement to keep him moving in the right direction.
The author also includes chapters following Cale's wife, Lauren, while she and her daughter continue in their own quest to survive in the U.S. She, too, believes that Cale is still alive and uses that to keep herself motivated.
The story has a few slow spots where there is more repetition than action, but all in all, it's a good zombie story!! The ending of Red Tides leaves readers hanging on a cliff...Cale is not home yet, but getting closer! I look forward to Mr. Lema's next installment to see how the series continues.
John Podlaski, author
Cherries - A Vietnam War Novel

Tags : Z Plan: Red Tides: (Z Plan Book 2) - Kindle edition by Mikhail Lerma. Download it once and read it on your Kindle device, PC, phones or tablets. Use features like bookmarks, note taking and highlighting while reading Z Plan: Red Tides: (Z Plan Book 2).,ebook,Mikhail Lerma,Z Plan: Red Tides: (Z Plan Book 2),Permuted Press,FICTION Horror,FICTION Science Fiction Apocalyptic & Post-Apocalyptic
Z Plan Red Tides Z Plan Book 2 eBook Mikhail Lerma Reviews
You know a book has got you when you're reading what happens to be the last page and you go "WHAT???" That's what Z-PlanRed Tides did to me. I LOVED this book even more than the first one....and that's saying a lot! When I finished the second book in this series I hadn't yet received Book 3 Z-Plan Homecoming yet and the couple of days I had to wait were horrible! Mikhail Lerma has written a wonderful series that makes you feel for the characters in so many different ways. Without giving away any spoilers, I do have to say I really like the character of Zach, Cale's best friend. He makes me laugh, cry and feel melancholy all at the same time. Cale's struggle to get home to his wife and daughter is so painful to be a part of because you really start feeling deeply for the characters in Mikhail's books. This is one of my favorite ZOMPOC series ever. Just started Book 3 and already hate to put it down. I highly recommend the Z-Plan books. Do you have a Z-Plan, because after reading this I certainly do!
Another fine read by Lerma. Spoiler alert.
Cale was rescued by an Egyptian sub. He's now a prisoner in a cell with other prisoners. His cell mate is a man named Nareem.
Nareen is a giant of a man and he speaks no English but Cale and he get along especially when some of the prisoners in the cell block turn into walkers and the two of them have to kill them to survive.
They have no weapons so booted feet are used. Crush the skulls of the walkers as they try to get through the bars into Cale and Nareems cell.
Cale's rescuers are led by Admiral Samir a man who killed any who opposed him. What's left of the Egyptian Navy is loyal to him and all prisoners are used on supply runs. They are in teams of two with a handler. The handler is the only one armed. The handler is supposed to protect the prisoners as they gather supplies. Of course everywhere they go is loaded with the walking dead. The admiral could care less how many he loses because there are always more survivors out there looking for rescue.
Lt. Amun is head of the prisoners. He decides which ship they are transferred to. He's decided that the American soldier, Cale, will be staying on the sub and used to gather supplies. He knows the American came from Iraq and survived the long journey so that means he's a capable killer and survivor. He will be a boon to the sub and its quest for supplies.
Cale and Nareem are partnered and their handler is fat idiot named Lt. Pashet. Pashet is a fat spoiled brat who's made it into the Navy via his fathers money and influence. Pashet already hates Cale and has taken Zachs knife. A knife Cale will be getting back.
So begins a damned fine read.
This one has Cale, Nareem, Laura, a Laura who is having trouble with a man named Ben, a Ben who murders Andy a good friend of Cale's, a Ben who wants Laura for himself, a Ben those with them thinks of as one nice helpful guy, how wrong they all are, a Laura who wants noting to do with Ben on a romantic level, Marie, Pashet, a run into the city looking for drugs at a hospital, a Pashet who doesn't accompany Cale and Nareem but orders them to find the supplies unarmed while he sits down, a hospital full of walkers, a Cale and Nareem who find the supply room full of drugs, walkers who attack Pashet while he's looting, Cale and Nareem who meet up with Pashet, a Pashet who's to fat to keep up, a Cale and Nareem who make it back to the boat, a Pashet who makes it back and has been bitten, a Pashet who kills a Captain, a Cale who kills Pashet and does indeed get Zachs knife back, a Pashet who won't be missed as he was well hated on the sub, a transport ship with no one on it, all the handlers and those on the supply runs transferred to the ship, a ship loaded with containers, containers filled with walkers, the walkers escaping when the first doors are opened, Cale, Nareem and their handler trying to get off the ship because the sub is going to blow it up, a Cale and Nareem who make it off and use a floating container ship to survive on, a fishing boat that picks them up and transports them to a group of ships that are tied together around a yacht owned by a movie star, a movie star who has drugs and enough supplies to last for years, the Egyptian sub that shows up to confiscate all and make those on the ships into supply runners, a Cale who makes his escape using a speed boat, a Cale who makes it to shore and finds a vehicle, a dog named Delkirk, a Cale who makes it to France and is rescued by soldiers there after overturning his ride, a Cale they are glad to have, a Cale who is promoted to Sgt, Sgt. Blair who wants Cale to lead teams out for supplies, a Cale who really doesn't want to be a leader but does so anyway, a Cale who has Zach in his head, a Zach who helps him make decisions on staying alive, a Blair who lets him know that he has pilots and planes and he and those that want to go will be headed home to America and Cale doing his best to stay alive, take that flight and find his wife and daughter.
Five Stars.
Z Plan Red Tides is the sequel to Z Plan Blood in the Sand and picks right up where the first story ends. Cale is rescued from death by an Egyptian Navy submarine and then forced with other prisoners to scavenge for the boat and crew; small teams are dispatched to board derelict vessels at sea and also sent ashore to locate survivors (more slaves) and gather needed supplies. These teams are on a timetable and their failure to return by the designated time results in their being left behind. Cale and his partner find themselves out of time and miss their pick-up, now they are stranded on a large container ship full of zombies.
Cale is certain that his wife and child are still alive in the U.S. and does everything in his power to reunite with them. Along the way, there are plenty of zombies and Cale sometimes finds himself in impossible situations - thinking to himself that this is where his life will end. He is also visited periodically by either a ghost or his imagination - Zach was his best friend and fellow squad member in the previous book (killed by Cale when he became infected) and seems to show himself periodically - making observations and offering Cale advice and encouragement to keep him moving in the right direction.
The author also includes chapters following Cale's wife, Lauren, while she and her daughter continue in their own quest to survive in the U.S. She, too, believes that Cale is still alive and uses that to keep herself motivated.
The story has a few slow spots where there is more repetition than action, but all in all, it's a good zombie story!! The ending of Red Tides leaves readers hanging on a cliff...Cale is not home yet, but getting closer! I look forward to Mr. Lema's next installment to see how the series continues.
John Podlaski, author
Cherries - A Vietnam War Novel

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